Rabadán28 de septiembre de 2023

Adventures in Portugal

Nuestros alumnos y profesores de intercambio en Portugal nos siguen relatando sus vivencias. In English, of course!!!


Over  the last two days we have had busy time and have been working a lot. Day 2 we went to a Water Plant to turn waste water into drinking water! After that Picnic in a Park Ane we went to an interactive Museum about water, too. Fortunately we finished the dsy in the Beach near Porto and went home so TIRED!

Day 3

It was really awesome! We Have Experienced What being in a conference on the ONU is like ! We Have Been strategies and tools to degrnd your ideas when holding a debate! And how important preparing is! The group representing QATAR  has won ! After that real lessons in PORTUGAL! Teachers and class mates were really nice and welcomed us all ! The Experience goes on tomorrow!!!


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